Saturday, August 15, 2009

Value of Mentor

Value of Mentor

The concept of mentoring is a proven one and works in virtually any environment—school, professional, and social. "All successful people had mentors."
"The mentor is there in the students' actual world, working side-by-side with them in the community where the students will be investing. With the mentor there, the students have nothing to fear. And when the mentor leaves, the students are absolutely unstoppable."
All mentors are carefully chosen and meet the high standards. Mentors must be actively and successfully investing in real estate, have the skills to teach others, and be able to go into virtually any market in the country and immediately begin the investing process. Then students are matched with mentors based on their specific situation and objectives.
Mentors contact their students in advance for a detailed telephone session that addresses the students' needs, experience, and goals. During that session, mentors tell their students how to prepare to get the most out of the mentor’s visit. The mentor works with the student (or students, in the case of partners and couples) for up to four full days, depending on the program, combining structured individualized training with real world application.
The mentoring relationship doesn't end after those dynamic days. Mentors and students stay in touch by phone and e-mail; the mentors continue to coach, advise, cheer, and if necessary, commiserate—but the bonds they form with the students are strong and lasting.
Is there a single key to a successful mentoring experience for students? "Absolutely Yes"

* How to find Mentor

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